
Current situation
Non-Muslim religious minorities in the Middle East and Northern Africa currently number approximately 12 million people. These minority populations have been living in these regions for hundreds, if not thousands of years, contributing to their historic cultural diversity and pluralism. Today, all of these communities are threatened in their existence. Recent power shifts in many countries have created a climate where the persecution of religious minorities is an everyday reality.

About the lecture series
Between 2012 and 2017, Christian Solidarity International (CSI) organized a series of public panel discussions on freedom of religion and the future of religious minorities in the Middle East. Our goal was and is to end the religious cleansing currently taking place in the region. The future of the Middle East must be one in which minorities and their rights are protected, and all are able to live their lives free of persecution and discrimination.

For CSI’s Lecture Series ‘The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East’, CSI invited expert speakers with in-depth knowledge on the region, its power structures and societies. Along with the panelists they discussed current developments, the parties involved, and possible solutions to the crisis.

The majority of the lectures took place in Switzerland and the United States.

Other talks were delivered at the CSI-supported conference ‘The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East, North Africa and the Two Sudans’ at St Antony’s College at the University of Oxford, in June 2013.

About CSI
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) is an international Christian human rights organization, campaigning for religious liberty and human dignity, and assisting victims of religious persecution, victimized children and victims of catastrophe. CSI was founded in 1977 in Switzerland by Rev. Hans Stückelberger, following peaceful demonstrations in support of persecuted Christians.

CSI’s objective is worldwide respect for the right of every human being to choose his or her faith and to practice it, as stipulated in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

CSI’s international headquarters are located in Binz (Zurich), Switzerland, with affiliates in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, South Korea, Switzerland, and the United States.

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